PUNS Information
Deland-Weldon CUSD 57 PUNS Contact Person: Louanna Miller
What is PUNS?
PUNS is a database that registers individuals who want or need Developmental Disability Waiver services (i.e. Community Integrated Living Arrangements, Home Based Supports, Child Group Homes) funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Developmental Disabilities. As funding is available, individuals are selected from PUNS and invited to apply for DD Waiver services. The PUNS categories, criteria, forms and instructions for completing the form have recently been revised and now reflect a more streamlined approach to the process. These changes were necessary to reduce confusion, increase transparency, and make the selection process more predictable for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
PUNS Selection and Categories
PUNS has 2 categories: Seeking Services (category for people who currently need or desire supports) and Planning for Services (category for people who do not currently want or need supports but may in the future). PUNS selections are based on a person's cumulative length of time in the Seeking Services Category. As funding is available, individuals are selected from PUNS and invited to apply for DD Waiver services.
Signing Up for PUNS
Individuals who want to be on PUNS should contact the Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agency in their area. You can locate your ISC agency by:
Calling Division of Developmental Disabilities Hotline at 1-888-DD-PLANS and 1-866-376-8446 (TTY) during business hours. When prompted by the recording, type in your ZIP Code and you will be connected with your local ISC agency.
Accessing the DHS Office Locator.
Note: Completion of a PUNS form does not guarantee that an individual is eligible for services or will be provided services.
Additional PUNS Information
Brochures: Understanding PUNS | Entender la PUNS